Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Berlin at Night

Berlin…home of the world’s biggest disco ball. Well okay, it’s not actually a disco ball, it’s part of the gaudy TV tower that was the pride of the former East Berlin. It’s just one example of the charmless architecture that covers most of the city. Institutional looking concrete buildings have long since replaced the ornate, beauties that were lost in the war and nothing is spared from graffiti.
The spirit of Berlin, however; is another story! People drink everywhere and party every night. So of course when in Berlin…..
We thought “lets tag along on one of the famous organized pub crawls” Our plans for a pub crawl were aborted when we discovered that the fellow crawlers were, (no surprise) mostly men and they were all a little young. Yes, for some reason we expected people our age on a pub crawl, I don’t know what we were thinking!
We ended up at a great bar where the cover charge was outrageous! But we parted with the one euro entrance fee and partied it up. We met two really fun guys from Manchester and laughed, danced, and drank the night away with them, (imagine a round of drinks for 4 people only 6 euro!). We left the bar as the sun was coming up. Needless to say, navigating the train system in our condition was quite the challenge! Check out Adam’s dance of jubilation upon arriving at our home station, the video is sideways so everyone tilt your head! :

Also, check out my frustration trying to buy our tickets (using some money might have made me more successful):
The good news is, we made it back to our hotel in time for breakfast and had to do the walk of shame through the dining room to get to our room oooohhhhhh the SHAME!
Most of the day was spent snoozing and recovering.



velvetfinch said...

Oh the fun, Oh the memories!

Jen, you look soooooo wasted in that video!

Unknown said...

LMAO oh you two are in fine form! :)

umj22 said...

love the drunken state, not use to seeing you like that when I'm not there with you!! Looks like a blast, wish we were there too