Monday, August 27, 2007

Working out the bugs

We have made some changes so anyone can leave comments now, sorry for any frustration! Just click on the comments link at the end of each post.... but beware everyone can read what you write!


umj22 said...

Hey guys, love all the stories and videos especially:) We were out of touch for a couple of days with the big move over here. We came over through the week to water and check in, but didn't move officially until Saturday. All is great and we are almost unpacked. But it does feel wierd being here without you guys, it is just not the same. can't wait until the next story, I read your blogs before I go to bed, so they are bed time stories for me:) Keep them coming, miss you guys and love you:)

Anonymous said...

Adam Jen,
Am very happy you changed your thingee so i could leave a comment as i left a long one and then had to join something, and my long letter got devoided..... am not very technoish at the best of times.
You guys need to do way more videoing, matt and i where in stitches, yes you know the saying you are hopeless but you work and i love ya's.
Jen i got the sandles they are so cute thank you very much.
I miss you guys now i see you drunk and all that, i wish so much to be with you, i am there in spirit. Prague is the most beautiful city Matt and i had a great time there. Its great seeing all the pictures it brings back memories of our 6 week honeymoon, which feels like so long ago.
We have just got back from our 10days at the snow, had a blast did some skiing, ate lots, drank even more it was great. Ohhh some breaking news Abi has taken 3 steps , we are very excited so the whole walking thingee is not very far away.
Any way i have babled enough but i could keep going got tonnes to tell you will write again soon.
Take care be safe cant wait to see you both
Ness xx

Unknown said...

Hi guys,

Thinking of you guys (again) and checking up on you while I sit here AT WORK! Crazy huh?

Keep up the good storytelling, pics, and vids - it is really a fantastic way to keep up with what you both are up to.

Two breaking news stories here are much too close to home for all of us. I emailed the stories to Adam's email but in short they involve a mother and daughter crashing in a hot air baloon accident - followed yesterday by a serious zip-trekking accident. Absolutely unbelieveable!

On a much happier note - I just put 6 bottles of the Basket Press shiraz on hold, thanks Adam for the tip. Looking forward to opening some wines on your return. Or better yet when we see you guys in Europe! I am working on the logistics and will forward you details and options soon.

Take care and be safe. If you are still in Prague, don't forget to have a drink at Cafe Slavia on the river - very cool place to hang out.

M & N

Anonymous said...

argh I wish I was more technosavy as I've typed this three times now. anyhooo, keep up the videos and blogs as they are inspiring us to talk about whether or not we might be able to come see you in the spring.

Anonymous said...

oops I should have signed that.


Anonymous said...

Uugg I can't believe he admitted to his must be a different Shaun!

greg said...

Adam, please contact me at our Vancouver office re write off of your mercedes. Wish to establish if car was stolen, or as alleged you lent it to a Mr Steer,his Rugby Team, and Supporters.