Czech is unlike any other language i've ever seen. At least many of the German words somewhat resemble several English words strung together in a big clump, but Czech is an odd mix of vowels and consonants, with strange accents decorating every word like Christmas lights. One look at the metro map had us confused enough to surrender to the fleet of taxi drivers praying on non-Czech speaking tourists. I think our taxi driver was a an ex-olympic shotputter/ underground Czech "don't f- with me" mobster. Seriously I thought the car might bottom out when he got in. Of course we didn't object when we circled the ciy five times before arriving at our hotel, we quite enjoyed seeing the scenery.... again, and again, and again as the meter ticked along. Our hotel is great, very clean and offers a great breakfast. Strangely, our room is filled with the aroma of cooking sausages 24hours a day... mmmmm nothing like waking to the aroma of greasy bratwurst!
Prague is an absolutely beautiful city. There are a lot of tourists here and it ir fairly expensive compared to Berlin (which incidentally seemed cheaper than we thought). Shops are filled
I apologize for rambling but I have two excuses to offer... 1. We are enjoying our first bottle of good wine since we've been abroad (gasp- a whole week without good wine!) 2. Unlike our last hotel we do not have unfettered internet access at our current location so I am on a bit of a binge!
Time seems to have slowed down so much since we left, it feels like we've been gone for at least 3 weeks. Maybe it's because of our accelerated pace in the weeks prior to our departure. I can h0nestly and unashamedly say that I already miss home. We have had such a great time with all of you in the last couple months- it makes it that much harder to be away from you now. Once again, I will take this opportunity to advise each of you to join up with us over the next year.
Okay... enough rambling I guess, our little noodle bar cafe is closing- time to move on. Pleeeeeaaase email or comment on the blog- we live for your emails, even if it just to say hello and let us know that you read and maybe laughed at the blog. It is our only contact with home and it encourages us to keep posting!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep on posting! I LOVE reading your blog. You guys are awesome writers, and I always find it so humorous, your little explanations and anecdotes. It is a wonderful illustration of your experience and I feel like I'm right there with you!
Here's a suggestion - perhaps you should allow anonymous comments on your blog, so that people are more likely to leave comments. As it is now, you must sign in with a google account in order to leave a comment and probably a lot of readers don't have a google account.
Anyway, I love you guys and miss you. And Jen, it was great talking to you by phone today. It sounds like you are having such a profound experience.
hi guys!!! we just got home tonight and we've been reading over your blog!!! we love it and do feel that we are with you. we missed you at the cabin and can honestly say think about you every day! it sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Martin wants to remind you to never get in a cab in Prague(i'm sure that helps now!!) Don't forget to visit the Zlateho Tigru (The Golden Tiger) the best beer in Prague...a little smoky but well worth finding. Keep blogging!!! love you tons!! N & M
Yes,please keep posting! We try to read up on you guys at least every few days!! We miss you and love hearing about your adventures.
Hey you little Blogmeister better keep blogging...I read it all the is the first thing I do when I get up in the morning. I will start writing more..promise! I love the mobile hot dog stand guy (they sure have long hotdogs in Germany) I zoomed in on the picture & really analized his little set-up. I am going to make one and sell Hot Diggity's in Qualicum or maybe here in Bowser.
Loved the videos you posted, watched them a couple times they were too funny! I would really, really, really love to meet up with you guys. Great talking to you sound so happy! I still haven't had a caeser for you..i can ship you some clamato juice if you like!!
Don't worry about the garbage men Jen...they r still on strike..I think?? Rest your pretty little head and don't worry about all the BS back home...Just keep writing your beautiful (and drunken) experiences. I LOVE the descriptive words you use, it really paints a vivid picture! Im so glad to hear that you are writing in your journal, how clever that you bought the glue stick. You will always treasure that journal..I can imagine how it will look when you guys return from your travels..worn, tattered maybe even a few food & wine stains soiling the pages..I love it! Oh Jenny Wren I LOVE and MISS you guys you are the BEST!! Well I am STILL here on the island. Major changes going on here. Can you believe the guest house is STILL NOT finished? Yes, I am sure you can believe it, you guys just finished dealing with that.
Mom, is still here cleaning and organinzing (doing what she does) I love it. We have to take Trudy to the ferry today.Good news is that Trudy want's the infamous hot dog maker that came with this I decided to part with it since I now have the idea from I'm going to take Hotdogs to a whole new level. Mom and I are going to do some planting later I think. You should see the Dynasty, I put a new battery in it and brought it over to the is all cleaned up, new seat covers, matts, steering wheel cover, and cleaned carpets oh yeah, we are in the process of cut polishing and waxing right now, she runs like a charm. I need to take it in for a little tune-up and oil change. Hey guys, gotta soon .
p.s. Maybe when you come home "Next Year" this could be your final stop at the end of your travels...I will have a beautiful honeymoon suite ready for the homecoming of Mr and Mrs Wilkins Love Collywog xo
Good idea Anna- we just did that tonight- hopefully it alleviates some frustrations!
Hi my sweet girl and her hubby,
It sounds like you are havinga fabulous time! I think I'm in shock that you are gone because I don't get to see you very much but lately i've seen you a ton and now feel a little in withdrawl. Nat and Martin are coming over for drinks and appies on Friday night when they get to Victoria for the long weekend! Miss you, Chantal
I just wanted to say that I am really enjoying your blog, and look forward to reading new entries as they become available!
I especially enjoy the photo's of course (nice camerawork!), and the videos are fun, so I look forward to more of them too.
Nothing to report here, except that Frances and i just got back from our own little kayaking vacation/adventure, and I will post some photos from our trip on my facebook in the next week or so.
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