Thursday, March 13, 2008

Allana & Mark's Wedding

Back in Melbourne for one week.

With Jen cooking up some goodies for my mother to dine on after we leave, changing flights, replacing missing gear, and a wedding..... we were running ragged.

The big day arrived and the wedding went off without a hitch. As you would expect the bride and groom looked fantastic, the food was great and a good time was had by all (even though I was the master of ceremonies).

Its over all too quickly before we find ourselves back on a plane and headed for Thailand!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, thanks for keeping us up to date, Sean F.

Anonymous said...

sad thing you left australia, state government revenue will now be substantially reduced, without you here to rack up more speeding fines.

Anonymous said...

Udaipurians?? You must've made that up yourself. Missed your call. I failed to sleep the evening before and was kinda passed out. I'm so disappointed at missing the wedding but am stuck on some dumb M&A stuff. I'm missing Tuscany this week as well. This all sucks. Need to take a year off to travel. Enjoy Thailand and hope to connect soon.

Anonymous said...

Safe travels in Thailand, we miss you already, had a great time catching up with you both.
Love the Sextons xx