So as you know we made it from Prague to Croatia where we will be for the next 3 weeks, but due to the challenging keyboard, we were unwilling to invest the effort in giving details.
We were up bright & early in Prague stuffing our backpacks. Oh the beloved backpacks… with their habit of slumping over, tripping us up and generally resisting our efforts, they increasingly remind us of petulant children not wanting to get dressed for school. That, combined with their dead weight has encouraged us to give these “things” we have to live with for the next 12 months, their own names. Ladies & gentlemen meet Boris and Brunhilde from Slovenia…… but I digress….
We organized a ride to the train station with 30 minutes in hand to get tickets and find the platform etc. No problem right? HA, nothing is ever as easy as it looks. The taxi dropped us off at a subterranean sidewalk, where all we could see were tumble weeds, an unconscious person surrounded by empty bottles, locked doors and an escalator that stopped descending in 1973. Lugging Boris & Brunhilde, down past the dead escalator and through the squalor, we eventually found our way into the station…. but the wrong station! We ended up making our train with minutes to spare but not before begging for change for a metro ticket, fighting the morning
The journey to Croatia was a long but scenic one, passing through the countryside of the Czech Republic, through the gorgeous Austrian alps, Slovenia (the home of our adopted children) and finally 14 hours later into Zagreb, Croatia.
We spent Friday wandering around Zagreb seeing the few sights they have and eventually found a wonderful little restaurant serving local cuisine. Adam ordered one of the specialties; duck, or what seemed like an entire flock of ducks on top of homemade
I'm loving the blog, you guys make me laugh. Keep up the good work.
Wow! That is one LARGE serving of duck. Adam, I hope you shared it with Jen, Boris, and Brunhilde
Everything definately is always an the time not so funny but after looking back that will be the stuff you remember and laugh about! We miss you but love hearing of your travels.
this is soooo the amazing race, I love it!!!
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