Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Celebrity in Our Midst

We just wanted to share some interesting recipes for ¨spreadable tuna¨. Anyone recognize this celebrity chef? Make sure to play the Courthouse Restaurant one first (further down the page). It´s mad!


Anonymous said...

Did you know that around 1884 when Great Granddad put horseradish on his head, what he was really trying to do?

..... get it in his mouth.

umj22 said...

Tim! I have never heard you so NOT foul mouthed! I couldn't understand a word you said!!! The restaurant looks great, thanks for the link Jen and Adam:)
By the way, glad you guys are back on land:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah i agree with Michelle!!, Tim what the!! very professional cant wait to dine at the courthouse, it looks great.

Anonymous said...

so where do we get the spreadable tuna? do we catch this with a net in the Australian waters...or did you, yourself go spear fishing for it Tim? Restaurant looks AMAZING!! I'm surprised you didn't call the The F'in Amazin' Courthouse!! That is what Jen and Adam call it anyways...cheers..Colleen