Thursday, June 21, 2007

The rough itinerary

Big news today! Amidst the mayhem of house renno's and wedding planning, we purchased our tickets today for the trip so we actually know roughly where and when we will be.... well somewhere.

Departure date is August 17 to Germany and Europe bound until Christmas when we will be jetting to Australia for a few months. We then leave Aus. in early March to travel Asia until May. At that time we head off to India & Africa before returning to Canada in July.

We already know that we are going to miss friends & family, so if you remotely think you are taking a vacation in one of these areas, let us know because we would love to catch up, and there is a lot of flex in our plans. (Basically other than what I have typed above, we are making the rest of the trip up as we go along).

2 months to departure and counting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi folks. Welcome to the place where you get to keep up on our adventures around the world. In truth we have not left yet. We are still in Vancouver renovating the house and doing wedding planning. More on that in the next post I guess.

We promise to try and keep this blog interesting and light and we look forward to hearing from you all periodically.